Jan 13Liked by The Braver Mom

Yes, beautifully written! I’m 36 and experiencing snow for the first time after moving from Southern California to the Midwest (watching snow fall outside my window right now). It’s all so comforting and romantic until I have to go outside. Still, I’m enjoying it more than I thought would (but boy do I miss those palm trees).

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Beautifully written! 💕 I too had a romanticized notion of snow and winter being raised in South Florida myself. Before moving to WV where I currently reside we spent two years in upstate NY. Winter was a glorious post card outside every window! BUT, the realities of living WITH snow are so different. ❄️

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After reading your post today, it brought to mind a book I read a long time ago called The Giver. Written by Lois Lowry in 1993, it is a dystopian novel set in what initially seems like a utopian society. However, as the story unfolds, we discover that this society is actually dystopian. In their quest to eliminate pain and suffering, they have also stripped away the depth of human emotions.

When I was younger, I used to dream about traveling the world, visiting all the magnificent palaces, and experiencing the wonders it had to offer. But as I grew older, I realized that I could achieve that same sense of exploration and adventure through books. By immersing myself in the pages of a well-written book, I could effortlessly travel to different places and be a part of various characters' lives simultaneously, as both a reader and an author. In this way, I could fulfill my dreams of traveling the world without ever leaving my seat.

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